A basic build from a workshop.
I like to make building a stringed instrument straightforward and fun. I offer a few different workshops with varying prices. The goal of my workshops is to give you the fundamental skills (design, woodworking, sanding, gluing) to keep on building instruments for fun and/or for profit (it’s possible to do both).
The following workshops are scheduled individually to fit the students schedule.
Basic Electric Guitar or bass Build
In this workshop I pick and supply all the materials for the build. By taking the material decision making out of the process, the student is able to focus on build fundamentals.
You will:
Design a bolt-on instrument
Make templates for future use
Make a neck and body
Go over sanding technique
Pick a stain color
Learn my Shellac technique and Oil finishing
Choose controls and pickup styles
Choose hardware style
Assemble and go over set up, nut, and fret work
Pickups and hardware will be generic and fully functional. Participants are also welcome to bring their own hardware and pickups. We will be focusing on the build itself and not any of the superficial parts that can be upgraded or swapped-out later. The idea is to make a guitar - not a kit, not a parts-caster - to actually design, cut everything out, carve, sand, finish, etc.
This workshop runs 24 hours total. It is broken up into smaller, easy-to-digest sessions to allow for glue and finish to cure. The workshop is scheduled to fit the student’s needs.
Workshop cost is $2200. The workshop will include all build materials, some setup tools I make and use, and templates to keep building as well as a student-discount on most parts and supplies.
A Hardshell Case Making Workshop can be added on for an additional $200.
Deluxe Electric Build
This workshop includes everything from the Basic Electric Build workshop and adds the options of :
Body and Neck binding
Laminated Top
Multi-Piece Neck
Chambered or Hollow Body
Bolt-On or Set Neck
In this workshop, the student is given a budget for pickups, hardware and other options not available in the basic workshop.
This workshop is 30 hours and costs $2800
This workshop also includes the making of a custom hard-shell case.
Carve Top Electric Build
This workshop includes everything from the Basic and Deluxe workshops with the addition of carving the Top
This workshop runs 36 hours, costs $3300, and includes: the carving tools I use and the Hardshell Case Building Workshop.